Ashbourne Airfield
Shortlisting Priorities Under Section 106 Agreement
Priority One
The applicants must live in a property which is overcrowded, in poor repair or otherwise unsatisfactory
Have lived continuously for five out of the last ten years in one or more of the parishes of Ashbourne, Clifton & Crompton, Bradley, Offcote & Underwood, Yeldersley, Osmaston.
Prioirty Two
The applicants wish to form a household for the first time
Have lived continuously for five out of the last ten years in one or more of the parishes of Ashbourne, Clifton & Crompton, Bradley, Offcote & Underwood, Yeldersley, Osmaston.
Priority Three
Are related to a resident of Ashbourne, Clifton & Crompron, Bradley, Offcote & Underwood, Yeldersley, Osmaston
Have lived continuously for a period of not less than ten out of the last 20 years in one or more of the parishes of Ashbourne, Clifton & Cromptron, Bradley, Offcote & Underwood, Yeldersley, Osmaston.
Priority Four
The applicant has an essential need to care, or be cared for, because of age or disability by someone liging close to them and the person needing, or giving, the care is a relative
The peraon giving or receiving the care has lived continuously for a period of not less than five out of the last 10 years in one or more of the parishes of Ashbourne, Clifton & Cromptron, Bradley, Offcote & Underwood, Yeldersley, Osmaston.
Priority Five
The applicant has an essnetial need to live close to their work in the parishes of Ashbourne, Clifton & Cromptron, Bradley, Offcote & Underwood, Yeldersley, Osmaston
Such need is agreed in writing with the Peak District National Park Planning Authoirty.