Rectory Lane, Breadsall
Local Lettings Policy
emh homes and Erewash Borough Council
June 2017
The Site
The development consist of seven new affordable homes (three houses and four bungalows) at Rectory Lane, Breadsall. Three are for Affordable Rent and four for Shared Ownership (a form of low-cost home ownership).
These are currently under construction. It is anticipated that these will be completed by Autumn 2017.
The properties for Affordable Rent are:
The properties for Shared Ownership are:
The Properties have been developed by East Midlands Housing Group. This agreement is therefore between Erewash Borough Council and emh homes with the agreement of East Midlands Housing Group.
Link to Google Street Map of Rectory Lane, Breadsall.
Reason for the Local Lettings Policy and Background
Erewash Borough Council, through its Housing Strategy has a responsibility to help Erewash residents access good quality homes and housing services which meet their needs and help create sustainable, mixed and balanced communities. At the same time, we need to ensure that those in urgent housing need are housed as soon as possible.
The Home-Options Policy (which is agreed by the Home-Options partners, including emh homes and Erewash Borough Council) highlights that local lettings policy have an important role in widening housing choices for local people and helping to provide sustainable communities. The national and regional housing agendas encourage mixed tenures that cater for a range of households with varying needs and aspirations.
We want to ensure that this development caters for a variety of residents as opposed to concentrations of households with particular support needs.
Housing Needs Assessments were carried out in the villages of Breadsall, Morley and Little Eaton in 2010. These showed a need for up to 12 affordable homes specifically to meet the needs of people living in, or with a close connection to Breadsall, Little Eaton or Morley. Unfortunately, despite ongoing work from a housing association, it has not been possible to find a suitable site to deliver these in Little Eaton or Morley. We therefore want to ensure that there are opportunities for people from Breadsall, Morley and Little Eaton to be able to secure an affordable home in the area they need. Following the public consultation on the draft local lettings plan in July 2017, this was also extended meet the needs of people living in the village of Stanley.
Legal Framework
This approach complies with the government’s guidance issued through the Allocation of accommodation: guidance for local housing authorities in England (DCLG, June 2012). This guidance allows councils and housing providers to use local lettings policies to achieve a wide range of policy objectives.
The Local Lettings Policy Criteria
emh homes and Erewash Borough Council are proposing a local lettings policy which reflects key features in order to ensure a sustainable, mixed and balanced community on this development.
The criteria will be followed for initial lets and subsequent lets.
Local connection to Breadsall, Little Eaton, Morley or Stanley
This applies to all properties on the development.
Preference will be given to people with a local connection to Breadsall, Little Eaton, Morley or Stanley.
Properties will be allocated based on housing need in accordance with the Home-Options Choice Based Lettings Scheme, and preference will be given as follows:
a) People living continuously for a period of no less than 3 years out of the previous 5 years in one of these villages
b) People living continuously for a period of no less than 6 months out of the previous 12 months in one of these villages
c) People having lived previously for a period of no less than 3 years out of the previous 5 years in one of these villages
d) People who have an essential need to live close to other people who are living in one of these villages
e) People who have an essential need to give support or care, to someone who is living in one of these villages
f) People who have an essential need to live close to their work in in one of these villages
g) Should no household meet the above criteria in these villages, then the properties will be allocated in accordance with the Council’s normal Allocations Scheme.
In addition to the above Local Connection criteria, the following priorities will also be applied: -
For the 2 x 2b3p bungalows – to Enhanced Lifetime Homes Standard, for Affordable Rent
The criteria will be followed for initial lets and subsequent lets.
These properties include:
- Walk-in shower
- Scooter charge area
- Disabled width car parking nearby
- Level access into property and garden
- Small garden area.
They are suitable for people with mobility problems, or for older people – but please note these are not full wheelchair standard.
These properties will be allocated to those who have the most need for these properties and will benefit substantially from these units.
Note: Priority will be given to a household who meets the above criteria and also have a need for 2 bedrooms (for example 2 to 3 household members or a single person with a carer).
However, if there are no such households needing a 2 bedroomed bungalow, these may be let to single people or childless couples who are in need of these facilities, if it is confirmed that full housing benefit can be paid, or there is other regular income to pay the full rent (some single people or childless couples under retirement age may have housing benefit reductions under the social housing size criteria regulations (the “bedroom tax”)).
Direct lets may be considered for these properties (still subject to the Local Connection priorities).
For the 2 x 2b3p bungalows – for Shared Ownership
Both of these properties include:
- Walk-in shower or wet room
- Level access into property and garden.
- Garden
One of the bungalows is built to Enhanced Lifetime Homes standard, which means it is easy to add further adaptations, and also includes: -
- Disabled width car parking nearby
- Scooter charge area.
They are suitable for people with mobility problems, or for older people – but please note these are not full wheelchair standard.
Priority will be given to those who have the most need for these facilities and will benefit substantially from these units.
Review date
This Local Lettings Policy will be reviewed initially in 6 months and yearly thereafter.
This local lettings policy was subject to public consultation for ten days to 7 July 2017. One response was received, which requested that the connection be extended to those applicants who also have a connection to the village of Stanley. emh homes were happy to agree with this request and the local lettings policy was updated accordingly.
Contact details
Any queries about this Local Lettings Policy can be made to:
Victoria Roberts
Allocations Manager
emh homes
Jubilee House, Stenson Road
Coalville, LE67 4NA
Telephone : 0300 123 6000.